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Learn the history of the Party to do practical work, and push the establishment of 5A scenic area of Heshun Ancient Town

    Tengchong Heshun Ancient Conservation Bureau closely combined the party history study and education with the 5A scenic spot of Heshun Ancient Town, and carried out the series of activities of "I do practical things for the masses", in order to thoroughly study and educate the party history of the whole party members and cadres, and put it into practice, which provides a strong power for the establishment of 5A scenic spot of Heshun Ancient Town.

    The bureau of Ancient Conservation of Heshun Town, Tengchong City, has set up a publicity team for the protection of ancient towns, which goes deep into streets, squares, guesthouses and other places to carry out publicity on the protection of ancient towns by taking advantage of the themed party day, volunteer service, house construction inspection and other opportunities. Using the popular publicity methods, continuously enhance the general public, business owners and tourists of the ancient town protection awareness. At the same time, organize staff to the inn, shops, restaurants and other business places in the ancient town to issue the notice of regulating the market order, "three guarantees in front of the door" responsibility letter, the ancient town protection manual and 5A scenic spot creation brochure. Up to now, a total of more than 500 sets have been issued, creating a good social atmosphere for the establishment of 5A scenic spots in Heshun Ancient Town.

    Strengthen supervision, and constantly strengthen the scenic spot inspection law enforcement. The problem of too many shop signs affecting the style of Heshun Ancient Town and the establishment of 5A scenic spots has been solved. Strictly in accordance with the requirements of "a shop can have only one sign", the demolition of the ancient town style advertising, signs more than 20 pieces.


    We have strengthened management and control of behaviors that affect the environment of scenic spots and the order of the tourism market, such as road blocking around key sections and scenic spots, mobile stalls and disorderly parking of vehicles. In total, more than 600 floating stalls and road-occupying businesses have been cleaned up and remedied, and uncivilized behaviors such as piling, hanging, and throwing have been discouraged for more than 260 times.

    (Source: Tengchong News Network)