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Ticket Reduction Notice

    Free ticket for:
    Children 6 years old (including 6 years old) or under 1.2 meters high (including 1.2 meters);
    2. Senior citizens over the age of 70 or holders of retirement Certificates;
    3. Disabled persons with valid certificates (blind persons, persons with lower limbs and other severely disabled persons are allowed to enter with one escort free of charge);
    4. Active servicemen, disabled servicemen, retired cadres and retired non-commissioned officers with valid certificates;
    5. Holders of "Yunnan High-level Talents Green Channel Service Certificate" can bring their parents, spouses and children up to 6 persons to enter the park free of charge.
    2. Halved Ticket Price
    1. Minors between the ages of 6 and 18 (including 18); Aged 60 (including 60) to 70 (excluding 70);
    2. Full-time undergraduate students or below with valid certificates.
    3. For other exemption objects specified in laws, regulations and relevant policies, ticket exemption does not include the fees of ropeway and shuttle in the one-ticket system.
    Note: This announcement is implemented in accordance with document no. 918 [2018] of Yunfa Price Reform. For information, call 0875-5158369