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Hello! he Shun!| Come and check in in December to check in the exotic customs of the 600-year-old town!

    In early winter, the first snow has fallen in the north. The Tengchong ginkgo biloba located in the southwest is yellow, like a dream. Heshun Ancient Town, still the sun is shining, the sky is blue, everywhere is full of green, and the sunshine of the plateau is like a pair of broad hands caressing the warmth of people's bodies.

    The pleasant climate of Hexi and the humanistic temperature exuded by the profound cultural accumulation make Heshun a place where you can forget about winter. Heshun Ancient Town is the ancient Sichuan, Yunnan, Myanmar, southern India land "Silk Road" must pass through, four or five hundred years of "Yifang" mode of survival, so that here has become the three major cultural convergence of the Silk Road pearl, the largest hometown of overseas Chinese in the southwest. In this month of December, when you roam and Shun, you will inadvertently feel more of the exotic atmosphere of South Asia. Because an activity of "Golden Heshun Silk Road Style" is being staged, allowing you to experience the different customs of Heshun, the hometown of overseas Chinese on the Silk Road.

    PART \ 01

    Immersive cruise in Southeast Asia

    Accompanied by dynamic music, a Southeast Asian style parade opened in Heshun Ancient Town, and the performers wore different styles of costumes and headdresses from Southeast Asian countries. Holding various props and musical instruments, they sang and danced, showing the charm of Southeast Asian folk art to the fullest with graceful dancing. During the parade, the performers constantly interact with the tourists and offer them blessings, so that the whole ancient town is immersed in the Southeast Asian style full of joy and warmth.

    There are also thrilling Wa fire-spitting performances interspersed, watching a burning fire dragon gush out of the mouth of the Wa brother, making you shout magic and feast your eyes.

    PART \ 02

    Southeast Asian NPC check-in

    With the sound of Southeast Asian-style music, a performance full of exotic customs appeared, high-value NPCs, singing and dancing, slowly opening a door to Southeast Asia for you, suddenly in the time of the Angkor Dynasty, immersed in the splendor of the ancient years of the exotic country, and the magical and gorgeous atmosphere of the exotic country permeated the ancient town.

    PART \ 03

    Fantasy Magic & Clown Flash Mob

    The attraction is also the fantastic magic performed in Heshun. The magician skillfully integrates the "magic mechanism" of sound, light, electricity, stage props and special effects equipment with the real scene of the ancient town, without the limitations of the stage, forming a magical and unique magic new space with Heshun characteristics, bringing people a unique experience.

    The figure of the clown flashed in the fantasy magic, the quirky and humorous performance, everywhere he went, provoked the children to laugh and laugh. Spreading joy to the ancient town, it also allows the big friends to awaken their childhood memories and regain their long-lost happiness during their trip to the ancient town.

    PART \ 04

    Ma Guo Tou Theater

    The world of drama and the reality of life are skillfully integrated in the alleys of Heshun, and the wonderful performances of the actors immerse the tourists in the meantime, as if traveling through the ancient silk road in the south with national characteristics and exotic customs, taste the nostalgia of the horsemen who drove the horses in the pen of the literati and ink writers, and appreciate the charm of the caravan culture in an immersive way, so that the light of traditional culture can pass through time and space, leaving a unique experience for more modern people.

    PART \ 05
    Southeast Asian-style bonfires

    The sky is getting darker, and the twilight is getting thicker. A bonfire carnival unfolds in the winter evening breeze. The insects chirp with the breeze, one after another, looking up at the stars, and feeling the beauty under the sky.

    Holding hands around the bonfire, everyone danced and moved with the scorching flames, fully releasing their nature, singing songs together, and sharing the romance of the night.

    In the early winter, in Heshun, an ancient town forgotten by winter, let us bathe in the golden warm sun of the plateau, meet in Heshun, where books, incense, and fireworks are suitable, meet an exotic style in Golden Heshun, experience the charm of the Silk Road overseas Chinese, and feel the multicultural charm of Heshun.