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Into the countryside to see well-off, harmonious people, and the beauty of the countryside! CCTV Live News Room takes you to Shuidui Village, Heshun Town, Tengchong, Yunnan

    The success of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and the quality of socialist modernization are determined by the strength of agriculture, the beauty of rural areas and the prosperity of farmers.

    On September 5, CCTV's "Live News Room" large-scale live special program - "Into the Village to see well-off", focusing on Shuidui village, Heshun Town, Tengchong City, Yunnan Province. CCTV reporters interacted with villagers, tasted snacks, played Musical Instruments, experienced interesting intangible cultural heritage projects, and felt the booming characteristic modern agriculture...


    Streams around the village, weeping willows brush the bank; this is the scene at the entrance of Shuidui village. Shuidui village has more than 1,700 people, mainly living in the ancient town and engaged in tourism and other industries. Viewed from the air, it is surrounded by volcanoes and rivers. Here by mountains and rivers, ecological livable, walking in the village, as if in the south of the river.

    Many roads, carvings and buildings were made of volcanic stone.In addition to natural ecological resources and cultural and historical resources; Heshun is also constantly improving the quality and level of tourism services. On the one hand, it vigorously protects the ancient buildings, repair and manage every listed ancient dwelling house, and restore its style and style as much as possible.

    On the other hand, Heshun also makes full use of ancient buildings, inspects illegally constructed houses for rectification, and prohibits wild growth. Also developed new tourism projects, such as river boats, horse gang singing, bamboo rafts, etc., attracting more and more tourists.

       In recent years, Heshun has won the reputation of "Chinese Charming Town" and "Chinese traditional architectural culture tourist destination", and become an important tourist destination in Yunnan.
       In 2020, the Shuidui village's per capita income exceeded 18000 yuan.A few kilometers away from the entrance of the village, the local development of intensive and efficient characteristic agriculture.Each crop is carefully taken care of, which is also the continuation of the villagers' thousand-year-old local love.
       With the continuous improvement of science and technology, the villagers have more confidence to get rich and increase their income. In 2020, the total agricultural output value of Heshun exceeded 33 million yuan.
       Nowadays, the eyes of Heshun people are full of happiness and satisfaction. As people earn more and more money, they have more time and interest to enjoy life, and are truly "well-off".


    Information: Baoshan Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department. Part of the content is integrated from CCTV network)