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Heshun Ancient Town | Forge Ahead, Integrate and Renew, Our 2023

    Heshun in 2023
    Work hard and forge ahead
    Along the way, everything has been scenery
    Counting beauty in detail, little by little in the heart

    Looking back at 2023, we seized opportunities, integrated innovation, provided excellent services, strengthened management, and created a new situation for the development of the Heshun Ancient Town scenic area, inspiring new vitality in Heshun's cultural and tourism industry.
    Looking back at 2023, we use our hearts and emotions with the aim of satisfying tourists, allowing them to experience the unique charm of harmony and excitement throughout the four seasons.
    Looking back at 2023, we will do our best to treat every major reception as an opportunity and platform to promote the Heshun brand.
    Looking back at 2023, count the past in detail. Every step forward bears witness to our efforts, and every frame of the picture is vividly remembered, bringing warmth to our hearts.


    2023, prioritize safety and ensure smooth and safe development  01

    We strictly adhere to the bottom line of safety production, implement the safety responsibility system, and work together to achieve joint management. Strict inspection system and night duty inspection system ensure that safety production hazards are comprehensively and thoroughly investigated and promptly eliminated. Implement various emergency plans, strengthen drills, effectively prevent and resolutely curb the occurrence of major accidents, and achieve the goal of "zero accidents" in safety production throughout the year.


    In 2023, deepen the integration of culture and tourism, activate scenes, and enrich experiences  02

    We present participatory performance projects in the alleys. Build a hub that connects modern people with historical and cultural bloodlines, allowing people to experience a "living ancient town".
    Through performance programs such as "NPC Performing Arts", "Intangible Cultural Heritage Theater", "Overseas Chinese Hometown Love", "Horse Gang Song Festival", "Water Han Marriage", and "Horse Gang Parade", we can tell the story of Heshun well, concretize historical and cultural elements, enrich the cultural connotation of ancient town tourism, and strengthen the Heshun characteristic of "living ancient town".


    In 2023, we will increase exploration of "tourism+" and innovate products to promote consumption  03

    The innovation of "performing arts+tourism". During the peak tourist seasons such as Spring Festival, May Day, and National Day, Yunnan Grand Theatre, Yizhi Theater Troupe, and Mushroom Comedy jointly create and launch a series of immersive courtyard dramas and talk shows such as "Qiannan Garden", "Wucheng", and "Tongwan City", allowing the ancient style and charm of the ancient town to collide and blend with the fashionable and young popular culture, further enhancing the cultural and experiential aspects of the scenic area.
    The innovation of "tourism+intangible cultural heritage". Launch several non heritage cultural and creative products such as ancient papermaking, shadow puppetry, divine horse rubbings, and caravan roasted tea to meet the needs of different tourists; Intensify the development of new cultural and creative products, launch cultural and creative products such as Heshun's "Customs Clearance Document", and achieve good market response and revenue.

    The practical innovation of "tourism+science popularization+research and learning". Heshun and Huada Group jointly build a science popularization base. The project includes the study of Yin Ge in Heshun, the introduction of "super species" perennial rice and Duobao eggplant trees into Heshun, traditional farming experiences, and life science popularization public welfare courses.

    On September 16th, the perennial rice from Heshun and Huada Wanwu Rice Orchard received its first harvest. The experience of "tourism+science popularization+research" has become another new highlight of Heshun's tourism products.

    Innovation in business formats, the scenic area has introduced well-known brands such as McDonald's, Honey Snow Ice City, Biton Coffee, Ba Wang Cha Ji, and Wei Hu Juice Master to settle in, enriching the business format, gathering popularity, and driving consumption.


    In 2023, by successfully completing major event receptions, establishing the image of the scenic area, and forging the Heshun brand  04

    The launch ceremony and main venue activities of China Tourism Day in 2023 kicked off on May 19th in the ancient town of Heshun, making Heshun the focus of world attention. The main venue of Heshun has set up ten live broadcast rooms for "China Tourism Day · Colorful China", "China Tourism Day · China Gifts" tourism product exhibition, Heshun Alley Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition, "Seeing Baoshan" activity week exhibition area, and high-quality tourism development forum, which have ignited a hot atmosphere on site. 42 platforms, including Learning Strong Country and Voice of Culture and Tourism, broadcasted the entire event at the main venue, with a total of 28.71 million views. "China Tourism Day" became the most popular topic of social media on May 19, and successfully topped the hot search list on Sina Weibo, Tiktok and Kwai.

    During the 2023 Tengchong Scientists Forum, over 1000 scientists, academicians, and guests from around the world visited and inspected Heshun Ancient Town.
    During this period, Mr. Yin Ye, CEO of Huada Group, promoted the beautiful rural scenery, rich cultural history, and unique cuisine of the ancient town. Together with everyone, he grafted the Duobao eggplant tree and held an offline meeting with volunteers at the Heshun General's Mansion and study. Science popularization and smoothness, moistening things silently!

    By participating in influential sports events such as the Tengchong International Marathon and Gryffindor Cycling, we aim to enhance the reputation of Heshun.

    In 2023, with multiple approaches, we will work together to promote and organize themed activities, showcasing a variety of highlights and increasing popularity.   05

    Over the past year, national media outlets such as CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, Farmers' Daily, and China Nationalities have conducted nearly 10 interviews with Heshun. Heshun has appeared in provincial-level media more than 50 times.
    Integrate online and offline promotion and marketing channels for scenic spots, promote new media, and integrate into the latest media forms. Create core selling points and explosive points for scenic spots, align with trends, and integrate tourism into popularity. Strengthen the operation and maintenance of Tiktok, Xiaohongshu, Weibo, WeChat official account and WeChat video account. Cooperate with new media platforms to carry out over a hundred online live broadcasts of various types.
    The scenic area introduces different themed activities and distinctive performing arts projects based on the changing seasons and traditional festivals, allowing the scenic area to constantly attract attention and highlight highlights throughout the four seasons, and maintaining the media exposure of the ancient town.


    In 2023, create 5A as a lever to improve services and optimize the environment  06

    Taking the creation of a 5A level scenic spot in Heshun as the starting point, we will strengthen management and optimize services, adhere to the concept of comprehensive tourism development, and deepen the construction of tourism standardization. From November 6th to 8th, the Heshun Ancient Town Scenic Area organized a special training on "creating a national AAAAA level scenic spot service standardization", providing tourism service standardization training to all employees in the scenic area.

    Accelerate the service of scenic spots, pay attention to details, and continuously improve the quality of humanization; Continuously improve supporting facilities such as tourist reception centers, parking lots, and public toilets.
    Accelerated the progress of intelligent scenic spots, established 98 5G free WiFi digital points, and built an environmental monitoring system; Self service explanation system for scenic spots; Integrate the needs of tourists and management, build intelligent systems for safety emergency and intelligent fire protection, complete the intelligent upgrade of scenic area management services, and enhance the tourist experience.


    In 2023, we will focus on ecological construction, improve environmental quality, and present a harmonious, green, and beautiful ecological background  07

    The scenic area has been selected as a benchmark model for green and beautiful scenic spots released by the Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism. The observation records of the Heshun Qianhe Wetland include the national first-class key protected wild animal yellow breasted bunting and the national second-class key protected wild animals white breasted jade, black winged kite, snake eagle, and purple water chicken. Among them, the yellow breasted bunting, a nationally protected wild animal, has its first appearance in Heshun.

    The past is a prelude, but the future is still promising. On the occasion of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, we revisit 2023. Guided by the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we adhere to the principle of "shaping tourism through culture, highlighting culture through tourism, and promoting the deep integration of culture and tourism". We work hard, forge ahead, and have achieved hard-earned results.
    Looking ahead to 2024, a new year, nurturing new vitality and hope. With the care, support, and assistance of party committees, governments, and various departments at all levels, and under the strong leadership of the group, we firmly believe that after experiencing storms, we can see a rainbow; After crossing the heavy barrier, there will eventually be the main road ahead and the road at your feet!

    In 2024, we will not forget our original intention, unite as one, continue the cultural heritage of the ancient town, showcase the charm of harmony, promote the beauty of innovative creativity, nourish the experience with high-quality new products, create high-quality tourism service products, and shine the brand of "World Soaring and World Harmony" more and more!
    In 2024, all beauty lies on the path of struggle.